Sunday, 1 March 2015

Toy Collection for The Toy Project - 1st March - 14th March

You may remember just before Christmas we helped the Islington Met Police collect over 300 gifts to be given to children in care across the borough!  We were bowled over by your generosity and so when we were approached by The TOY Project earlier this year - we knew that we'd like to help again!

The TOY project provides basic support tools for children across the UK who have lost a family member or friend. Every year in the UK over 20,000 children under the age of 18 experience the death of a parent – that is around 60 children and young people bereaved of a mother or father every day.

The Toy Project RECYCLE unwanted and un-needed toys, With no government support they rely solely on the support of the public. These could be toys to use in play therapy to help children open up about their feelings or simply a teddy bear to comfort them at night. So here's where you come in!  Spring clean your toy cupboards, all the toys your children may have enjoyed but outgrown can be recycled and given a new loving home. 

Please bring your bags & boxes of Toys into the shop before the 14th March, when we will hand over to the TOY project.

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